Урок на тему:

«Моє улюблене свято»

Підготувала вчителька англійської мови

Херсонського НВК №8

Дзюба Марина Іванівна


Тема: Моє улюблене свято.

Мета: вдосконалювати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць та порядкових числівників; вдосконалювати навички вимови, читання, усного мовлення та письма; розвивати логічне мислення; розвивати мовну здогадку;

Виховувати в учнів повагу до національних традицій та свят.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Привітання і повідомлення теми уроку.

Dear pupils! I am glad to see you here. I am sure you are ready for active work.

Our topic today is “My favourite holiday”.

By the end of the lesson you will read and discuss some information, speak about the party you really enjoyed.

I hope you will like to speak about your favourite holidays.

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Анкетування учнів

Are you a party person?

Listen to the questions and choose the correct answer for you.

1. Do you like parties?

a) Yes, they are fantastic.

b) They are OK.

c) No, I do not like them.

2. When do you go to party, who do you talk to?

a) Different people.

b) One or two friends.

c) Nobody.

3. When the music starts, do you dance?

a) Yes, with different people.

b) Yes, with a friend.

c) No, I sit down.

4. When people play games, what do you do?

a) I play these games.

b) I watch other people playing games.

c) I go home.

Add up the number of times you score A, B or C.

How many As have you got?

How many Bs have you got?

How many Cs have you got?

Now find out whether you are a party person.

If you get mostly:

As- You love parties. You are a real party person.

Bs- you quite like parties.

Cs – you do not like parties.

II. Основна частина уроку

1. Активізація лексичних одиниць теми.

Усне мовлення.

What words are associated with the word party?



Учні називають слова і складають речення з ними, наприклад:

It’s fun to have a party.

Match the holidays with their dates and say as in the example.

1. New Year a) December, 19

2. Christmas Day b) May, 9

3. Victory Day c) February, 14

4. Independence Day d) August 24

5. St Valentine’s Day e) January, 1

6. St Nicholas Day f) January, 7

Example: The New Year is on the 1st of January.

1. Тренування учнів у писемному мовленні.

1) Put the word in the correct order.

1. is / My mum/ a Christmas/ cake/ making.

2. a lot of presents / under/ There/ the Christmas/ are/ Tree.

3. have got / presents/ my/ I/family/ for.

4. Christmas/ singing/ carols/ are/we.

5. decorations / putting/ is/ My/the/ Christmas Tree/ dad/on.

2) Робота на картках.

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use present tenses.

It________ (to be) Saturday afternoon and my sister and I (to be) at my friend’s party. Some children ________(to dance) in the sitting – room now. My friend _______ (to open) a present at the moment. Two children ________(to eat) chocolate cake, and three children____________ (to play) a game. I often_______ (to go) to parties because I ___________(to have) a lot of friends. But I_______________ (to not/ go) to parties on Sundays because I always ____________(to visit) my grandparents.

IIIЗаключна частина уроку

Вчитель підбиває підсумки уроку та оцінює учнів.

1. You were active at the lesson today.

Your homework for the next lesson will be to write composition “My favourite holiday”.

2. Thank you for your hard work today. The lesson is over. Good- bye.

Кiлькiсть переглядiв: 52


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