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Тема : Велика Британія : розташування та клімат.

Мета : розширення знань учнів про розташування та клімат Великої Британії; розвиток соціокультурної та соціолінгвістичної компетенції учнів.

Хід уроку/ Sequence

I. Вступ/ Introduction

1. Привітання/ Greeting:

Teacher (T): Good morning my dear pupils! I’m glad to see you at our lesson/ How are you today? (pupils answer).

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку/ Introducing the topic and the aims of the lesson.

Мотивація/ Motivation

T: I hope that today’s lesson will be interesting and useful for you. We’ll speak about beautiful country Great Britain. You know why do we learn English. We vhave discussed it many times. But what for do we learn geographical position and climate of UK?

You have already learned some facts about that country. And I think you are ready for the work.

3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу/ Warming up.

Вікторина “Great Britain”

T: Let’s refresh your memory and remember some facts about the UK. Listen and choose the right answer to complete the sentences.

1) The official name of the country is…

a) The United States of Great Britain

b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland

c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2) There are … parts of the UK.

a) 3

b) 6

c) 4

3) … is the capital of Great Britain

a) Paris

b) London

c) New York

4) London stands on the river…

a) Mississippi

b) Thames

c) Murray

5) What are the 4 parts of the country?

a) England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada

b) England, Poland, Wales, Ireland

c) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

6) The head of the UK is…

a) The president

b) The queen

c) The king

II. Основна частина/ Themainpart.

1. Watching a video/Перегляд відео.

(вчитель пропонує учням зайняти місця біля комп’ютерів та перейти на сайт за посиланням http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/uk-culture/climate-and-geography )

Read the questions and select the right answer.

(учні виконують тестові завдання)

1. The United Kingdom contains

a. a hundred of small island.

b. hundreds of small islands.

c. thousands of small islands.

2. England consists mainly of

a. low land with a few mountains.

b. highlands and lowlands.

c. mountains and lowlands.

3. The highlands of Scotland have

a. few people and many mountains.

b. many people and few mountains.

c. many people and many mountains.

4. Most people in Scotland live

a. in the Highlands.

b. in the mountains.

c. in the Lowlands.

5. The Atlantic Ocean brings lots of

a. cold windy weather.

b. wet but not too cold weather.

c. cold and wet weather.

T: Let’s check your answers. Press on “Finish”. Have you done everything correctly? Was this task difficult for you? All right. The next task (Task 2) is to match the numbers in the box to make facts about the UK.

T: Check your answers pressing on “Finish”.

Keys: 1-22, 2-700, 3-2, 4-150, 5-300, 6-4.

III. Заключна частина уроку

1. Домашнє завдання: answer the questions of exercise 3 on page 214.

2. Завершення уроку.

T: Thank you for your work today. Our lesson is over. Have a nice day! Goodbye!

Кiлькiсть переглядiв: 74


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