Тема уроку: Свійські та дикі тварини.

Мета уроку:повторити та закріпити лексику теми, удосконалювати навички усного та діалогічного мовлення;поглибити знання про зовнішні ознаки і спосіб життя диких та свійських тварин; розвивати уяву, зорову пам'ять та фонематичний слух; виховувати бережне ставлення до тварин.

Тип уроку: закріплення знань, умінь та навичок учнів.

Хід уроку

І.Початок уроку.

1.Вітання. - Good morning, children!


- Today we’re going to speak about domestic and wild animals. We’re going to do some tasks, describe the animals, sing song. We’ll revise the words on the topic. We’ll remember the names of pets and wild animals. We’ll make a dialogue about your favourite pets.


- What animals do you know? - What animal is brown (black, green, grey, white)? - What animal has got a long tail (long nose, big ears, fins, wings, four paws)? - What can a dolphin (a parrot, a dog, a cat) do?



We’ve missed some letters. Fill in the necessary letters, read these words:











This/That is…

These/ Those are…

Fill in the words:

What is…? – This is a cat.

What is …? – That … a bird.

What are…? – These … mice.

What are…? – Those … hens.

3. Аудіювання.

- Let’s listen to the text and do the tasks. A tiger This is a tiger. The tiger is a wild animal. It is a big animal. It is yellow and black. The tiger has a long tail. It can run. We can see a tiger at the zoo.

Complete the sentences

1) This is a … 2) The tiger is a … animal. 3) It is a … animal. 4) It is … and… 5) The tiger has a long … 6) It can … 7) The tiger eats … 8) It lives in the … 9) We can see a tiger at the …


Guess the riddles

• It likes bones. It is dog’s baby. What is it?

• It likes seeds. It is hen’s baby. What is it?

• It lives in the river. It is green. What is it?

• It is pink and dirty. It is very fat. It has a nose-button. What is it?

• It has a bell on the neck. It gives milk. What is it?

(a puppy, a chicken, a crocodile, a pig, a cow)

5. Розвитокдіалогічногомовлення.

Children, have you got pets? I’d like you to ask each other questions about your pets.

Hi ________ Do you have a pet? Yes _________, I have a _____________. What is it’s name? Its name is _____________. What color is your __________________? It is ____________. And you? Do you have a pet? Of course. I have a ________. It’s name is ______. It is ___________. _________? How boring! It can only ___________. My cat isn't boring. He is a lot of fun. Really? What can it do? It can ______________________________. It is very sweet.

ІІІ. Заключначастинауроку.

1.Thank you for attention.That’s all .

2. Домашнє завдання. Please, prepare a story about your pet and write down it in your copy-book (5 -8 sentences).

Кiлькiсть переглядiв: 96


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