Повернутися до звичайного режиму



1. Вчитель називає букву, але не показує її. Діти знаходять цю букву у своїй абетці та демонструють вчителю.

Take the letter Bb and show it to me! Name the letter! That’s right.


1. Скласти як можна більше слів із букв, записаних внизу. Наприклад,

A, e, o, d, g, h, m, n, r, t

(dog, rat, man, hot, got, etc)

2. Скласти ланцюжок із слів (chainword ), в якому наступне слово починається з останньої букви попереднього

Let’s play the game “Chainword”

Bag-got-ten-nut-tree-eight-two-orange …


A is for apples

One for you

And for me too

B is for Bird

They like to sing

When it’s spring

C is for Cat

My cat is grey

And he likes to play

D is for Dog

His name is Bob

E is for English

Do you like English?

Yes, I do

F is for Five and Four

Four kittens are on the floor

G is for Girl

The girl is six

She likes little chicks

H is for Hat

Ann has a hat

She likes a cat

I is for I

I am a boy

I have a toy

J is for Jim

I like to play with him

K is for Kite

The Kite is big and white

L is for Lamp

We go to the camp

M is for May and March

I like spring very much

N is for Nick

He likes to play with Dick

O is for One

One plus two is three

We sit on the tree

P is for Pen

“I have a pen”

Says little Ben

Q is for Questions:

How do you do

And how are you?

R is for Rose

It is white and red

It is for Fred

S is for Spring and

For Summer too

When the sky is blue

T is for Tree

I like to drink tea

U is for Us and

Also in a bus

V is in five and in seven

It is in twelve and eleven

W is for Willy and for Why

Willy, don’t cry!

X is in six

I have got little sticks

Y is for Yard where children

play every day

Z is for the Zoo

I like to go to the Zoo

And you?

Ø Sing a song “ABC”


Кiлькiсть переглядiв: 59


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